Our Mission

Our mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam, a key player in the global wildlife trafficking network.

ENV Wildlife Conservation Trust (ENV USA) works to end wildlife trafficking as the sister organization to Vietnam’s leading NGO focused on ending the billion dollar industry, Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV).

As ENV’s sister organization, ENV Wildlife Conservation Trust directly supports ENV’s on-the-ground efforts to tackle the illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam. Specializing in three major program areas, the integrated and strategic approach is as follows:

• Reduce consumer demand for wildlife products through investment in a long-term and sustained effort to influence public attitudes and behavior.

• Strengthen enforcement through direct support and assistance to law enforcement agencies, including a major focus on mobilizing active public participation to combat wildlife crime.

• Work with policymakers to improve legislation, close loopholes in the law, and promote sound policy and decision-making relevant to wildlife protection.

Our History

ENV Wildlife Conservation Trust (ENV USA) was established in 2013 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the United States. The nonprofit is a sister organization to Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV), a Vietnamese NGO working to end the illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam.

The Founder and Executive Director of ENV USA is Douglas Hendrie. Mr. Hendrie helped create ENV and has been managing conservation projects and ENV since 1996. He is perhaps one of the most experienced global conservationists fighting wildlife trade on the ground.

ENV was created in 2000 as Vietnam’s first non-governmental organization focused on wildlife protection. Since then, ENV has been widely recognized as one of the most committed and effective organizations on the frontline of the fight against the illegal wildlife trade.

ENV has undoubtedly played a significant role in creating long-term improvement for wildlife protection in Vietnam by promoting public awareness and reporting of wildlife crime, collaborating with lawmakers to impose new wildlife conservation legislation, and constantly working with law enforcement authorities across Vietnam to ensure wildlife crime is addressed.

Why do we do this?

Illegal wildlife trafficking is the fourth most lucrative global crime after drugs, humans, and weapons trafficking. Many conservation organizations are currently working to address the international demand and destruction of Earth’s biodiversity. However, only a few have efforts on the ground truly making a difference. Our team is proud to be among those few, with 20 years of frontline experience and continuous progress made to reduce the demand and supply of the wildlife trade. We are strongly committed to our mission and will not rest until wildlife is fully protected and this deadly trade has been eliminated for good.