ENV’s Public Awareness Campaigns

ENV’s public awareness campaigns aim to reduce consumption of wildlife by influencing public attitudes and encouraging the public to become actively involved in wildlife protection.

ENV uses a variety of tools to raise awareness about the wildlife trade including television, radio, and newspapers, as well as hosting high profile events and a growing viral advertising and social media program on the internet. ENV also works closely with the media to increase and sustain the coverage on important wildlife trade issues in Vietnam’s press, maintaining an active network of more than 120 journalists to reach the public.

ENV’s major long-running awareness activities include public exhibits focusing on reducing consumption of wildlife and bringing an end to the illegal trade and farming of bears, and seminars for university students encouraging public action to combat the illegal wildlife trade.



Training environmental educators
ENV has conducted more than 70 environmental education and communication training programs for teachers, community stakeholder groups, and staff from national parks and protected areas throughout Vietnam. ENV has also trained educators from Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos.

ENV’s intensive courses, lasting one to two weeks, include a combination of classroom work and practice in local schools and villages. ENV’s Mobile Wildlife Awareness Unit travels to protected areas throughout Vietnam to conduct onsite training courses.